Tiny Watches; Football

Tiny, a black and white cat is a very important part of the team, and his footprints can be found all over my work.  One of his vices is watching videos on YouTube, mainly nature and wildlife documentaries, and sometimes, if he's good I let him watch cartoons like Tom and Jerry, which is his favourite.

He also watches football.

Sadly, Newcastle United performances have been very dull, even cats gets bored with long ball football, and what with VAR, he has lost interest in this season.  I can't imagine how I going explain the concept of  relegation to him, so let's hope I don't have to. 

Tiny Watches; Football features Tiny and was edited & produced by Geoff Carter 03/04/2021 from the original Sept 2020 recording; one of many featuring Tiny watching video and other live media. 


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